I went to church this evening, and in the middle of worship, I felt such a moment of gratitude for all the things that God has used my church to give me:

1. I learnt worship there. Now I grew up singing soul stirring hymns that moved my soul to Heaven, and NCCF showed me that it was possible to get lost in music, but it was in church that I learnt to fully let go. Just raise my hands and forget everyone and everything and just focus on the Lover of my Soul, Olowo ori mi. Today as I worshipped, a smile came from deep within me and just burst out on my face…I smiled as I told Him that in my life, I see what He’s doing…I gave Him my worship…offered it to Him and enjoyed His delight. BTW, That song – I have confidence in You…to me is one of the simplest yet most powerful songs ever; a statement of pure affirmation, no grammar, just trust.

2. I learnt to apply the Word there. Again I grew up with a strong doctrine background, but as much as I knew that I had to obey the Word, I never learned to apply it to my life. I never learnt to apply a verse till it came to life in my spirit and worked miracles in my life. I love the fact that now, whenever I have a situation, the verses that I grew up memorizing bubble up in my spirit and burst forth out my mouth. I love speaking God’s truth into a situation. It’s awesome.

3. I learned active faith. I learned that faith is not a passive wait for things, but a living, breathing investment. Faith is Heaven’s currency and is accepted in every place that we could ever find ourselves. I learned to put my faith to work, and then I gained boldness, and peace, I let God’s grace soak into me and stopped struggling to grow, I learned to allow myself to be carried by those everlasting arms, to operate in His rest.

God led me to the right place for me and daily, He has continued to add to what I know, I’m grateful.

And in addition…

Love has truly been good to me...I woke up singing that song today, and it slipped into my mouth several times in the course of the day. I’m not singing about a person though, I’m just so in love with Jesus today (I know I should be in love with Him all the time; I’m getting there). So I have been singing this song to Him, and feeling His smile in my heart, which makes my own smile even wider…it’s so amazing to be loved, I’d follow Him to the moon and the sky above…yes I would. Jesus loves me guys…He does. You know what I call Him? My Hosea…Hosea went looking for Gomer time after time; every time she ran away He went looking for her. God did the same for me, went after me so many times, brought me home, back to the safety and security that only He can bring, back to His unconditional love…naw, I love Jesus.

Btw, as a totally random point, I am not one of those Christians who only sings gospel. I am fully convinced that at the marriage supper of the Lamb, the Heavenly Choir will be singing Etta James “At Last” as we proceed up the aisle or however it is we’re going to be doing it…

Anyway, so today I am again grateful for God’s love, this love that refuses to leave me, this love that chooses me above all else, this love that focuses on me to the point where nothing, not even life itself matters.

I’m grateful for His smile in the warm sunlight, His hug in the breeze, His laugh in rainfall. I’m grateful for His presence, His beauty suffuses every inch of my life and leaves me with a glow in my spirit that is just a little touch of Heaven…

Goodnight guys