Guys, I had to take  break in the middle of my work to type this…this reminder of my yesterday.

God sent 2 people to my thoughts today – one was a friend who wasn’t even that close to me. But it seemed that whenever I was at my lowest, most depressed, most forgetful of my identity, most lacking in peace, joy or dignity, she would show up and without a word, do whatever I needed to feel better.

Once it was a nice dinner out – randomly she just called me one evening and invited me out. That evening I had been sitting at home, lost in a pit of gray. We gisted, laughed and ate…and I went home with a smile on my face.

Sometimes it was a smile, or a quiet whispered encouragement…she was an angel…

The other was a short term boss who looked at a girl who was totally unequipped for the job she was doing, and took the time to be encouraging, supportive. Again he didn’t talk to me much, but everytime we spoke, I felt seen, acknowledged…important.

Today I ran across both of them on facebook guys, and I remembered the past and just how far God has brought me; to a place of confidence, peace and joy. To a place where I wake up each day eager to see the blessings that will unfold.

We are surrounded by angels – sometimes they are the ones who slip cash in your pocket when you need it most, the ones who call randomly on the days when you just need to hear a voice, the ones who do an unexpected favour for you, the…angels surround us…my prayer, apart from a heartfelt song of gratitude to the Lover of my Soul, is that I will in turn find those who I am to be angel to, and will be to them what others have been to me