2013, I SEE YOU!!!

I read Elnathan’s “Waiting for Wame” recently and it hit me in all sorts of places; some of them not very comfortable. Elnathan writes very well, but his non fiction pieces are always excellent, maybe because of how much of himself he puts in them. They are always searing, always honest, always vulnerable. I also love to read FB posts by a lady named Linda Alvarado Gensaw, honestly and painstakingly, she chronicles her challenges, concerns and worries and her triumphs. The openness with which she writes makes me feel both like a member of her wonderful family and humbled by her clear talent.

If you’re wondering why I have spent the opening bit of this post talking about 2 people whom you may or may not know, and may or may not give a hoot about, it’s because they have reminded me of how I’d like to write and how much I love to write.

One of my biggest goals for 2013 is simply to write more and to write better. I’d like to be a more consistent and a much better writer than I am now, and for me, the answer has always been simple – to write as much as I can. The more I write, the better I become. And so, whenever I read some of the stuff I wrote years ago, I‘m always shocked at how much they catch me and pull me in, and then I find myself frustrated anew by my laziness and carelessness. I also want to be a more personal writer; maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I feel a bit like I’m teaching instead of sharing. Must be my education background; both my mum and dad work/worked in education, and I currently work in a school. Back to the point – I want to be more personal, less stiff, less reserved, more fluid in my expression of myself. I’d like to harness everything inside me and create a world that pulls you in in much the same fashion of the wardrobe in the Chronicles of Narnia. So I have a lot of work to do.

What else do I want for 2013…hmmm…another project. In 2011, I did some work in Port Harcourt, working with militant kids. This year, I did a Project to fight Violence against Women, both projects courtesy of my dear friend Deji. I’m hoping I get the opportunity to do something in 2013 as well. I enjoyed throwing myself into these projects, I am introduced to a way of life I have never before experienced, and I leave each project a bit wiser for the experience.

Hmmm, I’d love to do some travelling too. I love to travel, and I especially love to travel for work. I have no idea why. But there is something about the whole idea of work + travel that makes me strangely happy. So I would like a work related trip to another state or country.

In 2013, I intend to continue my personal transformation – this is very different from our national transformation, as in my case, you can actually see change. Better fitness, better care of my health, more of a social life…gosh this year I turned into a hermit! All I did was work – home – church…so I will definitely endeavour to rectify this next year. I started going to the movies this year, and I even attended a couple of events…change is on the way! Lol!

I’m also contemplating starting French lessons; this might seem like a cool idea until you are apprised of the fact that I’ve been starting French lessons for the last 8 or so years…this year, I actually picked up a flier, so let’s hope 2013 is my lucky year!

I hope to have finished one of my books by the end of 2013…I won’t tell you what it’s about yet, but I am both scared and excited about this one, and I pray that it will be as good as I imagine it in my head.

I’d like to focus more on building the staff team I work with in 2013. This year, I was coming to grips with my new job. Next year, I must transfer as many of my transferable skills as possible. I want them to grow, and I also need the space to move up to the next level in my skill base and abilities. I tend to want to work best alone – so this will test me as well as them.

Oh there’s one more! I want to visit my village, I haven’t been in over 10 years and I miss it so much. I want to see if the trees are still there, wake up at 6am listening to the town crier, listen to the old ones speaking in Oron so much more complex than mine that they might as well be speaking French. I want to go to the stream in the afternoon, and fall asleep at night listening to the sounds of nature – crickets, birds, peace.

I am looking forward to a wonderful 2013. 2012 was great and I know 2013 will be even better. I’m excited about learning, growing…who knows, I might even give love another try. (Fingers crossed).

I like to say that in 2011, God cleared the weeds in my life – bad habits, mindsets, opinions, company…name it, in 2012, He prepared my soil for planting, I believe that 2013 will be an incredible time of growth and development, of consolidating my lessons and aligning my trajectory for the next 10 – 15 years of my life. I’m excited. Although I’m excited about a new year, to be honest, I think that 2013 is the next phase of a journey of transformation that I’ve been on since 2011…and I can’t wait to see what comes up this year.

I want a lot out of 2013. I know this means that I will have to work hard, but I don’t mind. I am expectant of many good things, I need to remember to prepare and be prepared for them.

To all the wonderful people who have taken the time to read and comment on my work in 2012, thank you so much for being facilitators of my newest realities. It is my deepest wish that God will in turn put people in your life that will turn your dreams into reality.

What are your expectations for next year? Do drop a comment and share, I’d love to hear from you. God bless.